I got this email from a client today. I had to share because it is so beautifully written and a great reminder of the work we all need to be doing on ourselves. I love when it all starts to click! The moment we finally have our own back is everything! ❤️
"Most of the time, I'm ok with not being liked. Clearly, we would all choose being liked if we could, but not everyone will react well to me, or mesh with my personality - and that is fine. I understand the humanity that exists in all of us, and the histories within us all that trend us towards how we respond to others. So I have compassion for that, and its ok.
I think its harder though when its someone we respect, or a superior. But something clicked inside yesterday. I remember when I told you my feelings were hurt when it was said that I wasn't trusted. And your question was, "Do you trust yourself?" And I absolutely do. And that is all I need to feel peace about that.
Maybe same holds true for "liking." People are entitled to not "like" me - enjoy who I am, enjoy spending time with me, find value, etc. And that is truly ok. Maybe the question (or necessity) is, "do I like me?"
I've never embraced the concept of "loving yourself." It seemed...I don't know. But yesterday, it completely made sense.
I don't need people to like me. Of course, professionally, it helps - makes collaboration easier and such. But not a need. I do however, absolutely need to like myself - who I am, what I'm about, how I treat people, whether or not I conduct myself with integrity, whether or not I'm committed to personal growth and sowing into the well being of those around me.
Because those things are untouchable by the opinions of anyone.
And my failings? I like that I'm the kind of person who is seeing them and working on them as well.
And oddly, my emotions somehow got untied from my role here. And for the first time in - well, probably ever - I am 100 percent confident in what I'm doing (or want to do) in my work. I believe in the tools I'm building - and whether or not these tools are ever used in my current role or capacity, I am so, SO excited. Because I know they will make a tremendous difference in lives - somewhere, someday, and in the individual lives I touch daily - right now."
AHHHHHH! THIS IS SO GOOD!!!! And like I always say, I like, love, trust, value, respect and approve of myself. If others happen to, that is just bonus and extra! It is my pleasure and great life purpose doing this work with people! 🙌